Ascent Insights

Choosing Herbs For Sleep

Choosing Herbs For Sleep

Three popular herbs for sleep are valerian, lavender, and chamomile. Here's how these herbs compare against each other.

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Choosing Magnesium Supplements

Choosing Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium has some complex caveats affecting how easily your body absorbs it. It’s important to figure out the best magnesium supplement to make sure you’re getting enough. 

From magnesium oxide to magnesium sulfate to magnesium glycinate to magnesium citrate– yes, there’re even more types– what’s the best magnesium supplement to take?

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Choosing The Best Supplement

Choosing The Best Supplement

It’s not just the type of vitamin you take that’s important; it’s how you take it. That’s right. Certain methods of taking vitamins are better absorbed by your body than others. We explain why bioavailability is one of the most important factors that affects how efficient your supplement is.

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Melatonin Side Effects for Elderly People

Melatonin Side Effects for Elderly People

Taking melatonin is fairly safe for most healthy adults, though there may be a different risk for older people. Dose responsibly and speak with your physician about any concerns you may have about taking melatonin.

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Is 20mg of Melatonin Too Much?

Is 20mg of Melatonin Too Much?

Melatonin is one of the most popular sleep aids that helps regulates your circadian rhythm and onsets your sleep cycle. So how much can you take, and how much is too much?

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