
5 Vitamins To Boost Sleep

5 Vitamins To Boost Sleep

Vitamins can impact not only your overall health, but also your ability to sleep well. Five vitamins that can play a positive role in impacting your sleep quality. 

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How To Fall Asleep When You Can't

How To Fall Asleep When You Can't

Not every sleep tip is going to be the right fit for everyone, but these are a few general that can be practiced consistently and maintainably. Over time, it will be easier for you to see what works for you, and what doesn't.

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Can Melatonin Keep You Awake?

Can Melatonin Keep You Awake?

Melatonin is a hormone that helps onset our sleep cycle and promotes feelings of sleepiness, but is it possible it can do the opposite?

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Does Melatonin Cause Nightmares?

Does Melatonin Cause Nightmares?

Though very uncommon, having nightmares is one of the possible side effects experienced from taking too much melatonin. 

The effects of melatonin causing dreams or nightmares is not fully understood, but reducing the likelihood of experiencing this side effect might be achieved with more careful or even discontinued melatonin use. 

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Why Do I Keep Waking Up At 3am?

Why Do I Keep Waking Up At 3am?

The latter can be disruptive if you’re waking up in the middle of the night and finding it extremely difficult to fall back asleep. Although it may be difficult to address the source of your sleep issues, doing so as soon as possible can help you avoid further affecting your health from a lack of sleep.

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How Much Melatonin Is Too Much?

How Much Melatonin Is Too Much?

Although rare, it’s possible for someone to experience some mild side effects if they take too much melatonin. These are some side effects to look out for, as well as when you should be careful about taking melatonin supplements. 

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How Much Melatonin Do You Need?

How Much Melatonin Do You Need?

Melatonin is a hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle and is also increasingly popular among adults as an effective sleep aid. While your body naturally produces its own melatonin, many people use melatonin supplements if they have difficulty sleeping or staying asleep- or just want to sleep a little easier.

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Melatonin As A Sleep Aids For Elderly

Melatonin As A Sleep Aids For Elderly

The older we get, the less we tend to sleep. Elderly people who want to use melatonin should consider whether melatonin will suit their health needs and lifestyle before using it. 

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Can I Make Melatonin Work More Quickly?

Can I Make Melatonin Work More Quickly?

Many people are familiar with melatonin. It’s a natural hormone that can be easily taken as a supplement to help you fall asleep more easily at night. Sometimes melatonin takes a while before you feel its effects. Here’s why, and here’s how to choose melatonin that works more quickly for you.

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How Long Does Melatonin Take To Work?

How Long Does Melatonin Take To Work?

Time is precious, so wasting it by tossing and turning, desperately trying to find sleep, is not ideal. For many people, taking melatonin supplements is a sufficient solution for their sleep issues and its use is growing more popular among adults.

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